Policy Statement
VietPoll Company Ltd is a research organization that collects and uses information to investigate the behavior, needs, attitudes, motivations and other things of people in Vietnam. Our objective is to provide information to our clients to help them make decisions about their products and services.
Participation in our research projects is always voluntary. As part of our research we collect some personal details such as name and address so that we can contact you about the research. Basically we might call you back to check on some of your responses to make sure we got a complete picture of your opinions. However, as researchers, we are generally interested in the responses of large groups of people, rather than individuals. We typically combine the information collected from all the research participants to get an overall picture. This overall picture is then reported to our clients.
Details that identify you are removed from your responses to the research once they are no longer needed for the research. We respect your privacy and we will never pass on your personal details to a client without your permission.
As a company we follow ESOMAR guidelines. ESOMAR is mainly for individual membership and Patrick Meza, VietPoll’s Managing Directoris a member of ESOMAR, as an organization, we abide and comply with the ICC/ESOMAR International Code of Marketing and Social Research Practice.